Sunday, July 19, 2009

Time for another quarterly update

I suppose quarterly isn't the correct term. How would you split a year into thirds? What's the term for that? Trimester? Anyway, no matter.

Let's see, what have I realized since October? A lot and yet in the bigger picture, not that much.

I love school and I feel so lucky. Blessed, if you will. It's hard enough to find a job, but one that's fulfilling? That's even harder to find. I don't have a tonne of close friends in the program but I think I have enough. I'm still feeling people out, seeing who I can trust and who is fake and I can't quite open myself up to. I feel really naive sometimes, always wanting to see the good in everyone, but at the same time...something that nursing has taught me is that everyone's really got a story and I can't make assumptions until I get to know a person.

They're the best. Erica's gone already and I'm really sad. Lloyd's leaving in a few weeks, and by a few, I literally mean a few. Vincent's leaving soon after, which is devastating as well. But I will be completely consumed by school anyway, so maybe that won't make it as bad. And god, what am I freaking out about, I still have a phone, I can call the douches. <3 And it'll be a good experience for them!

Mr. Sun is the best and I have love for him! Because now I'm kind of tanned and not pasty white. Hahaha. <3

A bientot!

Monday, October 27, 2008

wow! it's been 9 months since my first post! here's to health, wealth, happiness, and good times with great people!


one of the ppl i hold dear said to me yesterday, "to make someone grow, you need to push them out of their comfort zone". i don't think i would've been able to put that any better than he did. it's because of him that i've grown so much this past year, honestly. i don't think there's any way that i can possibly show him how much i truly appreciate all the opportunities him and his friends have given me this past year. here's to many more laughs, hugs, and fun times.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

post one

this account is so ridiculous. all i wanted to do was post a comment on a friend's blog and i had to start this damn thing. as if i don't have enough blogs. lawrence, i blame this solely on you.
